В тоске по Северусу она попросила меня сваять ей переносного профессора. Я какое-то время посопротивлялась, но больше для виду. Села и сделала)
La mia amica le piace i libri ed i film di Harry Potter. In realta' non le piace Harry pero' il professore Piton. E certo non le piace il fine della storia perche la storia e' finita anche il fine di professore non e' buono. Sospirando Piton mi ha chiesto cucire il professore portatile. Primo resistevo un po' e poi l'ho fatto)
My friend likes books anf films about Harry potter. Only she prefers not Harry but professor Snape. So she wasn't really glad about story end, because it ended up and also 'cos it was professor's end. So she asked me to do a little professor portable. First I was resisting a bit, but then sat down and did it)